Note to Ellen Killoran. A quick check of the ice levels on the lake when Kubacki disappeared were thick enough that it is quite unlikely he fell in. In fact, he could have easily walked over the frozen lake and exited somewhere else:
Summary of Great Lakes Weather and Ice Conditions, Winter 1978-79
By Bernard H. DeWitt
Key this into google for the book:
"lake michigan, ice thickness feb '78"
Take a look at page 102-103
"Ice cover was continuing to expand and thicken throughout the great lakes. On Feb 15, the ore docks at Escanaba , closed for the season and ending the shipping season into the green bay area. . .
Second para
". . .Ice was tough all the way across the lake. . Thickness ranged from 20 to 60 cm (8 to 24 inches) across the lake."
The ice thickness was well able to support the weight of an adult walking across and exiting at another place . . .And leaving no marks.
It seems quite unlikely that he fell through the ice, and the 4 page version of the story offers several people who agree that his disappearance was not what it seemed.
while I don't necessarily disagree that the lake was frozen over, I must point out that Escanaba has very different weather than Holland. However in 1978, there was a major blizzard in January that is still talked about to this day, dubbed the Blizzard of 78. In Michigan certain parts of Lake Michigan will freeze with thick enough ice to drive a truck on. Given the reported weather during that time, I would guess that the lake was frozen.
Not at al. The people involved in her murder were connected to the motel where she worked. It’s just another story about a student at Hope College, that seemed to have gotten even less attention than his disappearance.
Note to Ellen Killoran. A quick check of the ice levels on the lake when Kubacki disappeared were thick enough that it is quite unlikely he fell in. In fact, he could have easily walked over the frozen lake and exited somewhere else:
Summary of Great Lakes Weather and Ice Conditions, Winter 1978-79
By Bernard H. DeWitt
Key this into google for the book:
"lake michigan, ice thickness feb '78"
Take a look at page 102-103
"Ice cover was continuing to expand and thicken throughout the great lakes. On Feb 15, the ore docks at Escanaba , closed for the season and ending the shipping season into the green bay area. . .
Second para
". . .Ice was tough all the way across the lake. . Thickness ranged from 20 to 60 cm (8 to 24 inches) across the lake."
The ice thickness was well able to support the weight of an adult walking across and exiting at another place . . .And leaving no marks.
See also:
National snow and ice database 66-79
It seems quite unlikely that he fell through the ice, and the 4 page version of the story offers several people who agree that his disappearance was not what it seemed.
Given that he showed up alive 14 months later, I think it is pretty well assumed that he didn't fall into the frozen lake...
while I don't necessarily disagree that the lake was frozen over, I must point out that Escanaba has very different weather than Holland. However in 1978, there was a major blizzard in January that is still talked about to this day, dubbed the Blizzard of 78. In Michigan certain parts of Lake Michigan will freeze with thick enough ice to drive a truck on. Given the reported weather during that time, I would guess that the lake was frozen.
Thank you for the article!
Where is the conclusion to the Steven Kubacki article?
is the implication that Kubacki was involved in the murder? if so why? really enjoying your writing and wishing this series continued. good work!
Not at al. The people involved in her murder were connected to the motel where she worked. It’s just another story about a student at Hope College, that seemed to have gotten even less attention than his disappearance.